Collective Bargaining Agreement 2023:
News and Resources


Read the current Air Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Pilots for Pilots

Pilots for Pilots is a 501(c)(3) taxexempt charity created to offer financial assistance to ALPA pilots and their dependents to cover the immediate, extraordinary expenses that follow widespread, catastrophic events.

Recent Publications

  • Your MEC officers and ALPA attorneys met yesterday with Air Wisconsin senior management at ALPA’s offices in ORD to discuss a path forward following American’s decision to terminate the CPA with Air Wisconsin effective April 3, 2025. The Company confirmed that it still intends to remain a FAR Part 121 carrier as it transitions the operation for the strategic realignment just announced.
  • As the Company announced in an all-employee message earlier today, American Airlines has notified Air Wisconsin management that they will terminate its contract with Air Wisconsin effective April 3. On that date we will stop flying for American. Our other flying, predominantly Supplemental Operations, will continue.
  • As we drop the gear for this latest turn around the sun, I wish to take a moment to tell you all what an honor and privilege it is to serve as your MEC Chair and provide you a quick de-brief regarding the operations this past year at ARW ALPA.
  • We would like to inform the pilot group that the MEC’s Hotel and Security/Jumpseat committees were notified yesterday of a situation in MKE at the Crowne Plaza on the evening of Oct 2, 2024, regarding a dispute between at least two non-airline associated individuals which escalated to involve a firearm and injuries.
  • Register now to attend an informative virtual meeting about your employer-sponsored retirement plan, hosted by a T. Rowe Price representative. You’ll learn how your plan can help you save for the kind of future you deserve.
  • Pay Day Hotline July 25, 2024
  • To defend and advance the careers, working conditions, compensation, retirement, and benefits of Air Wisconsin and fellow ALPA pilots while also working to maintain the character of the Air Wisconsin pilot group as one of the most highly respected in the industry.
  • To defend and advance the careers, working conditions, compensation, retirement, and benefits of Air Wisconsin and fellow ALPA pilots while also working to maintain the character of the Air Wisconsin pilot group as one of the most highly respected in the industry.
  • Your ARW ASAP Committee would like to highlight some ongoing issues that appear in many ASAP reports. Most recently, pilots have had issues with two primary areas: QRH usage, and communication with ATC.
  • Your MEC Officers will holding a Coffee and Conversation event March 11 at Chicago O’Hare. Please come out and join us. Bring us your comments, concerns, and conversations and we will communicate them to your MEC during the MEC Meeting the following days of March 12, 13, and 14 in Chicago.

Air Wisconsin Pilots

Proudly serving since 1965